Monday, January 5, 2009

Polar Bear Swim 2009

The bold, the brave, or the very foolish-I can't decide. New Year's "Polar Bears" Lake Wenatchee 2009.


Pete said...

Hi, Thks for dropping my blog and follow my funny video. I have added you to my blog list in my main blog and follow your blog also.
Lets exchange link, hope u add me to you list as well. Please drop me a note if you agree. Thks

Pete said...

Thks for following my peteformation blog. I have added your to myblogroll. Cheers!

Megs said...

Karen! Your writing is getting better and better! Thanks for risking giving me a ride last night! And thanks for the excellent skis! Your blog is mentioned on my blog, this polar bear plunge you did being so much cooler (literally!) than my sloth bear plunge on new year's day ... so i pulled out my poetry polar bear club newspaper pics to appease my shame!