Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Starting a Blog

It is 10:00 at night and I have been thinking about starting a blog. Now seemed as good of a time as any to do so. Now I have all of this space on the web, just for me! I feel absolutely giddy. Which direction should I take? What do people really want to know? Do they actually even care? It is mostly within my nature to create a rant blog, but I am trying to have a more positive outlook on life so maybe I could rant and rave. I usually have something to say; work, parenting, music, books, art-all safe topics. Religion and politics, something to avoid. I think that I will just start by posting this, see what it looks like, and navigate my webspace from there. So, here it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I've subscribed, so the pressure is on, Moonchild!
