Friday, August 27, 2010

The Food that we Eat

I feel a bit of a need to explain the new addition of seasonal foods to the headline of my blog. It would be lovely if I did by nature eat naturally, but I do not and thus do not always feed my family as naturally as I would like either. Rather I love the idea of eating foods that are in season and becoming more in touch with the eating process in general. Last summer when my mom was visiting for a weekend, I put this theory into practice for a complete meal. I know that was a long time ago and what have I done since? Truthfully not as much as I would like, but I do remember that meal. It was in season, prepared in our home kitchen, and utterly divine. We had been out enjoying a brilliantly sunny day and stopped off at a local outdoor market in one of the neighborhoods in Seattle. There we purchased hormone free meat, a variety of seasonal vegetables and fruits, and paired everything with a local wine. The meal was fresh and vibrant. The downside is how long it took to prepare and that is the biggest obstacle to my natural and seasonal cooking dreams, my lack of time! Someday I hope to repeat this meal. The new addition to my blog header is to remind me how rewarding good, fresh shopping and cooking can be and to try and put these ambitions into practice whenever I can.


Megs said...

perhaps rather than an entire meal, you could have a course or element - salad,appetiser, dessert, etc., from local fresh sources, to make it less enormous and more doable!?

And your lovely celebration of seasons and holidays is, already, magnificent, dear karen! i love your family tradtions, and would love to borrow one or two! which do you suggest i borrow?

thanks for having our girl. she is missing you. she really cherishes the string of hearts fiona made for her. she missed fiona a lot and sends her love.

Nonickname said...

As always Miss Meg, you offer a wealth of wisdom. I think that if our family were living in another country we might try and still celebrate Thanksgiving. It is a strictly American holiday and involves good food. We miss our fourth child as well and send all of you our love.